• Skinny B (MIC +Vit B12)

    Also known as Lipotropic (fat burner injection). This shot contains a combination of vitamins and minerals to help kick start your metabolism.

    BENEFITS: Boost energy, boost fat burning by targeting fat deposits. If combined with diet & exercise, this can aide in weight loss.

    INGREDIENTS: Vitamin B12, Mithionine, Choline, Inositol & Carnitine

  • Vitamin D

    Vitamin is an important contributor to bone health. Also aides in hormone regulation as well as controlling blood glucose levels. Vitamin D also regulates blood calcium and phosphorus levels.

    BENEFITS: Boosts immune response, improves bone strength & density, aides in mood and mental cognition.

    *THIS SHOT REQUIRES A RECENT LAB TEST -(you can bring recent labs from your primary care provider or we can send an order to our partner lab center*

    Supplementation Protocol: (weekly injections x 4weeks available for $ 115)

  • Biotin

    Also known as Vitamin B7, biotin helps keep a youthful appearance. Also helps in maintaining a healthy metabolic, digestive, nerve and cardiovascular function.

    BENEFIT: Healthy skin, hair & nails

  • Vitamin B12

    Famously known as the energy shot, Vit B12 injections give you natural energy that is long lasting as opposed to energy drinks and stimulants. deal for athletes, Vegan, or if someone who is constantly tired.

    BENEFITS: Regulates sleep, mood, & appetite. Increases red blood cell production. Improves memory & concentration, weight loss-increasing metabolism.

  • Glutathione

    Known for its anti-aging compound, glutathione helps to reverse oxidative stress by removing harmful chemicals, metals and toxins from the body.

    BENEFITS: Removes age spots, detoxifies the kidneys and liver tissue. Reverses complications of diabetes and hypertension.

  • Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is greatly known for its antioxidant effect. It helps in decreasing the formation and activity of free radicals. Free radicals cause damage to tissues, leading to cancer and chronic disease.

    BENEFITS: Fights common cold/flu, boost immunity and speeds up recovery.

  • Toradol

    This is a prescription anti-inflammatory medication that is used in treating moderate to severe pain. It works by blocking the production of prostaglandins-a compound that causes pain, fever & inflammation.

    BENEFIT: Decreases swelling, immediate pain relief.

  • Zofran

    Zofran is a prescription medication that is used to treat nausea/vomiting. It works by blocking the action of serotonin-a natural substance that is responsible for causing nausea/vomiting.

    BENEFIT: Reliefs nausea/vomiting