Adjunct Therapy For Cancer Treatment

Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the United States causing approximately 602,000 deaths/year (Cancer and Its Treatment Increase Death, American Cancer Society, 2020).

A diagnosis of cancer is scary and leaves you with no answers.

If you are like most patients, upon learning of your diagnosis you may resort to “Dr Google” for answers for your questions as such as “what is the best treatment for cancer or what supplements can I take to fight cancer”.

The conventional approach is chemotherapy, radiation therapy and sometimes surgery. While we support the cutting edge treatments in mainstream medicine we believe there’s great benefit to you as a patient in combining treatments to fight cancer.

At Restore Health and Wellness, we are committed and passionate about offering novel approaches to help you in a way that makes your body less hospitable to cancer. Triple therapy has shown the most efficacy in treatment as compared to mono-therapy alone.

Our team of providers will guide you along the way and work with your oncologist to provide an individualized plan of care and the support that you need.

Our Treatment Regimen Include:

  • High dose Vitamin C-IV Therapy

  • Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)-IV Therapy

  • Mistletoe-subcutaneous injections

  • Heavy Metal testing and Detox – chelation therapy

High Dose Vitamin C

Intravenous vitamin c was originally proposed by two-time Nobel Prize winning Chemist: Linus Pauling as a way to treat viral infections.

Vitamin C is a powerful water soluble antioxidant but at higher doses, it becomes pro-oxidative meaning it can kill cancer cells as opposed to its antioxidant and cellular protective function at lower doses. It does this by interacting with iron and oxygen in the cell to form hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide is then utilized by immune cells to kill cancer cells.

Intravenous vitamin c is safe and well tolerated and has minimal side effects.

Alpha Lipoic Acid-ALA

ALA is a chemical your body makes, it is also found in foods such as red meat, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, peas and Brussel sprouts.

It can assist in repairing oxidative damage and regenerate endogenous antioxidants.

ALA may prevent damage to nerves that carry information to the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body.

Mistletoe Therapy

Mistletoe is a plant that grows on different types of trees. Mistletoe extracts come in supplement forms as capsules, liquid extracts, teas and toe. Mistletoe injections are used in scientific research.

Research has shown that Mistletoe therapy has been effective in suppression tumor in cancer patients specifically breast cancer.

Potential benefits include reducing the side effects from cancer treatments.

Mistletoe has been shown to induce dose dependent apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells.

Mistletoe has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects



This includes weekly infusions of combination Alpha Lipoic Acid and Intravenous Vitamin C, along with weekly subcutaneous injections of mistletoe weekly. This protocol is recommended for patients with stage III or IV cancer, or those with an aggressive form.


Our recommendation for patients who have established stability of their cancer throughout the high-intensity protocol, or those with a less aggressive type or stage of cancer. This treatment includes bi-weekly infusions of High dose Vit C and ALA along side weekly subcutaneous mistletoe is injections.


The maintenance protocol is recommended for patients who are in recovery from cancer. The goal of this supportive treatment is to prevent the relapse of the primary cancer, and also reducing the possibility of a new primary cancer developing.


Prior to receiving your high-dose Vitamin C infusions (25 grams or more), we require a blood test to ensure that your body is able to process the vitamin c. A blood test called Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) will be checked to identify if you have a G6PD deficiency, which is a hereditary. G6PD is an x-linked recessive enzyme

that is responsible for reducing free radicals in the cells that cause oxidative damage. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can become an oxidant and cause hemolysis(distraction of red blood cells)/ anemia.

This can lead to a deficiency in the capacity of the blood to bring oxygen to the tissues and carry away carbon dioxide if taken in large doses.

image showing the alternative therapies available for cancer treatment


There is more than just Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Learn more about your options for adjunct therapy today!